Friday, June 13, 2014

HOMEWORK- Exhibition Learning Activity, Due 30 July

          For the holiday break we are starting next week, you are expected to connect your holidays to your exhibition topic.  For example, if you are the water pollution group, you need to research something while on vacation.  You can visit museums, interview people, take pictures of what you see, or read newspapers, magazines, or articles.  
          The goal is for you to return to school in July with a deeper understanding of your topic.  You will share what you learned during the Exhibition class on Wednesday, 30 July.  
         Here are some ideas of how to support your topic:

  • visit a museum or aquarium
  • visit an art or photography exhibit related to your topic
  • watch a documentary or video about your topic
  • interview someone related to your topic
  • read a magazine or newspaper article related to your topic
  • read a book related to your topic

           Just in case you forget your homework at home, or it is lost somewhere during your holiday, you just need to bring proof of your research.  This can be pictures, photos, notes, or the article/book you read.


  1. Hi ms. How was your vacation?
    I already do my homework but I take only a picture and I explain, it's ok?
    Emerald Sarah

  2. Hello Sarah!

    Yes, please bring a picture of what you found over vacation but ALSO bring some written explanation. This is because you will present what you found to your group mates, and you need to think about it before coming to class.

    See you next week!
    Mrs. Page
